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Girl in a City


Making a Difference One Life at a Time

Prayer is an important part of our ministry. Our outreaches are an opportunity to bring light and love to specific locations we believe God has assigned us.  We appreciate your prayers!  Learn more about how you can be a prayer partner.

Prayer: Youth Programs


Prayer: Our Programs
Heart Shape Cookie Cutter

Pray that all children and adults would know that they are loved by their heavenly Father and worth more than anything else in all creation

Pray that the lies that tell us something bad is good will be revealed to be the destructive force in our lives they really are. 

Pray that we all would be humbled to know that we desperately need our creator Father to show us the way every day to truly experience all of life He desires for us to have through Jesus Christ.  

Pray that no one is alone in our community and all have an opportunity for healthy safe community. 

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