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  • Writer's pictureKory Caughie

October Newsletter

Happy Fall!!!

The end of summer was a busy one for EPCARES. In addition to monthly outreaches, we have been busy working with local schools and organizations to provide human trafficking awareness training for school personnel, parents, and students. We are thankful for opportunities to spread awareness - education is the greatest human trafficking prevention tool!

If you have questions or are interested in our training, please contact us!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month! In addition to looking for missing children, our outreach teams will be educating the public about domestic violence. Although domestic violence and human trafficking are different forms of victimizations, there are similarities and intersections between these types of violence. In recognition, we want to encourage you to educate yourself on the signs and resources for victims. Consider this:

Every 9 seconds, a woman in the U.S. is beaten or assaulted by a current or ex-significant other. 1 in 4 men are victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.

Don't stay silent. Let's speak up and work together to end domestic violence.


EPCARES Outreach We want every person in our community to know one thing: you matter and we care.

More importantly, the God who created you cares so much he sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die for you so you can have eternal life! How much more valuable can your life be than that!

In light of that, we seek to reach the most vulnerable and needy in our city. You may be wondering what our conversations look like when we go to over 230 stops each month. Well, it's simple. They are 2-3-minute conversations that can build relationships, share encouragement, and sometimes even remind people that their life matters. These short conversations are impactful, and we believe they can change lived. Here are some recent conversations bites:

First day at the shelter for another girl. She has already found that people care for her and she isn't alone. It was the little things... people helping her to find clothes that were just her style, a little wave across the room to say hello again... little things can go a long way.

Young girl on the street afraid and wants to get out, but factors keep her from doing this right now. I sit and listen for a bit and we talk about options. "What can make your day better right now?" A cigarette is all she'll accept today. As I'm walking away, she yells at me, "I'll think about the shelter Momma" My heart does a little leap inside.

He always likes to talk when we stop by each month. We've formed somewhat of a friendship I suppose. He has had his own sorrows he has shared, but he also cares about the wrongs he sees that go on at the motel he works. He said it's hard to fight. He has intervened a few times and we encourage him that he may have saved a life and he is our hero.

Come and join us on an outreach this month! Outreach is October 10th - 20th with 12 different routes at various times and only 2 hours. We need your help to make and impact, plus we're kind of fun to be around! Contact us to join one, there's still time.

Our Prayer

Lord we pray that your grace would equip us to let our light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to you alone.

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:15).

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