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  • Writer's pictureKory Caughie

False Security

I suppose it's easy to journey through life on cruise control and never even realize it. This COVID 19 season however has definitely been a wake up from the norm and forced us all to do things differently. Adjusting, re-calibrating, re-evaluating. We don't like to spend time on these things especially when everything seems to be working out ok. But what if this jarring wake up time is something that can save our life?

I used to have an hour ride home in the mornings from my night shift in the ER and I often felt like I was wide awake and fine. But the reality was, that last cup of coffee had given me a false sense of security. More than once, it was those rumble strips along the side of the road that awoke me as I was dozing off. They likely saved my life a time or two.

I've been able to see things in my life recently that seemed good and to be working well, but they weren't the best. Anything that isn't God's best is a dangerous path. I was about to run off the road. I'm grateful for this time to slow down and hear God speak through His written word, prayer, wise friends and family and so many other ways so I can adjust my course.

We are praying that every mask we sew and deliver in our community will help cover and protect from the COVID 19 virus. But, our greatest hope is that each person will know real security that lasts forever. God has already provided the most important covering and protection through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ. Nothing we have ever done can keep us from the love of God right this moment and for all eternity. No amount of fear, pain, loneliness, addiction, or any other problem you are facing is more powerful than His love for you. (Romans 8:38)

Is there something you are placing your faith and security in that won't truly save or help you and may actually hurt you? Is there some course you are on that needs adjusting? Can you take time today to sit and seek God and just listen to Him? If we truly seek Him, we will always find Him. He always provides rumble strips to keep us safely on the unique perfect journey He has planned for each of us.

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