Kory CaughieOct 5, 2019October NewsletterHappy Fall!!! The end of summer was a busy one for EPCARES. In addition to monthly outreaches, we have been busy working with local...
Kory CaughieAug 17, 2019AUGUST NEWSLETTERAUGUST NEWSLETTER HOPE Our hearts grieve and our prayers are with the families of the twenty-two lost, the twenty-six injured, and the...
Kory CaughieJul 24, 2019June's NewsletterEl Paso CARES Friends, The summer is almost officially upon us! We hope that you and your family enjoy fun and relaxation these next few...
Kory CaughieJul 24, 2019July's NewsletterCelebrate Freedom! We are grateful for our military heroes who sacrifice and serve so we can enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of...
Kory CaughieJun 20, 2019May NewsletterHappy May El Paso CARES Friends, This Spring, we are thankful for the many new things EP CARES has seen in the last month! We welcome 8...
Kory CaughieMay 3, 2019April NewsletterFriends of El Paso CARES, We are celebrating the continued expansion of our monthly poster outreach and the relationships being built...